InLevel Up CodingbyVinod Kumar NairAWS multi-account architecture with AWS Single Sign-OnA multi-account architecture provides customer(s) complete governance, security, cost-optimized, and control over their AWS environment &…Jul 25, 2021Jul 25, 2021
InLevel Up CodingbyVinod Kumar NairIntegrating Okta to allow Federated Users to access multi-account AWS environmentIf you want to integrate an external identity provider like Okta for your federated users to access your AWS resources and manage the user…Aug 1, 2021Aug 1, 2021
InLevel Up CodingbyVinod Kumar NairRunning SonarQube in AWS ECS as Docker Container by AWS Cloud Formation (IaC)SonarQube is a static code analysis tool which helps to scan your source code for quality, code coverage and vulnerability issues.May 14, 20212May 14, 20212
InLevel Up CodingbyVinod Kumar NairCreating Kubernetes (k8s) cluster by joining Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Virtual MachinesKubernetes (k8s) is an amazing technology and I’m loving it.May 15, 20211May 15, 20211
InLevel Up CodingbyVinod Kumar NairEnforce Audit Policy in Kubernetes (k8s)Do you want to keep a check on your Kubernetes production-grade environment for the following activities:May 22, 2021May 22, 2021
InLevel Up CodingbyVinod Kumar NairDecoding a JWT token in NodeJSJWT (or JSON Web Tokens) are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.Jun 8, 2020Jun 8, 2020